Following a protracted period of selling or buying, a point wherein market trends are retarded or discontinued.At a selling climax, the market is characterized···
定义 相对强弱指标RSI 是由韦尔斯。怀尔德(Welles Wilder)提出的,是衡量证券自身内在相对强度的指标。 RSI指标是韦尔斯。怀尔德首创的,发表在他的《技术交易系统新思···
新定义重疾险“满月”记:大公司放低身段 小公司难再降价
本报记者 冷翠华重疾险进入新定义时代已经“满月”。根据银保监会通知,自今年2月1日起,各保险公司只能销售基于《重大疾病保险的疾病定义使用规···
MACD定义是什么?什么是MACD? MACD平滑异同平均线(Moving Average Convergence Divergence),是一种股票技术,基于均线的构造原理,对价格收盘价进行平滑处理(求出算术平均值)后的一···
定义布林线:\\r\\n 布林线可在钱龙软件中的静态技术分析中调出,布林线由4条线构成,分为B1线、B2线、B3线及B4线。B1线为指数(或股价)阻力线,B4线是支撑线,从布林线的宽度可以看出···
我为什么要定义“10日均线”为操盘线呢?\\r\\n 这里面有两个最重要的因素:\\r\\n 其一,绝大部分主力在行情最终启动之后,均以10日均线为短中线行情的延续与支撑,同时,他们也积极···
空中加油定义:\\r\\n 股价遭人为打压,向下挖坑,迅速反升。连续性的上涨出现缩量涨停,次日放出巨量大阴线。这个时候,跟风盘、获利盘、恐慌盘纷纷倒戈,夺路而逃。仅仅短暂整理后,再···
ANG (Netherlands Antilles Guilder)
The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Netherlands Antilles guilder (ANG), the currency for Netherlands Antilles, a Caribbean country of the Kind···
Anti-Reciprocal Rule
A rule created by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to protect individual investors from conflicts of interest that may arise when brokerage···
Anti Money Laundering - AML
A set of procedures, laws or regulations designed to stop the practice of generating income through illegal actions. In most cases money launderers hide their···
Anti-Takeover Measure
Measures taken on a continual or sporadic basis by a firm's management in order to prevent or deter unwanted takeovers. Taobiz explains Anti-Takeover MeasureCo···
Anti-Greenmail Provision
A special clause located within a firm's corporate charter that acts as a deterrence against the board of directors passing a share buyback. Taobiz explains An···
Anti-Takeover Statute
A set of state regulations that prevent or deter companies from attempting hostile takeovers. These regulations vary across state lines and typically affect on···
Anti-Dilution Provision
A provision in an option or a convertible security. It protects an investor from dilution resulting from later issues of stock at a lower price than the invest···