
  • Hard-Coded Stock

    This is a term that refers to a company's stock symbol or ticker symbol. Every security listed anywhere on the globe has a unique symbol for the security. Know···

    2022-01-05 16:27:15
  • Hard Call Protection

    The period in the life of a callable bond in which the issuing company is not permitted to redeem the bond.|||This feature is important for investors purchasin···

    2022-01-05 15:59:11
  • Hard Stop

    A price level that, if reached, will trigger an order to sell an underlying security. Hard stops are set at a constant price and are inherently good until canc···

    2022-01-05 15:15:53
  • Hard Loan

    A foreign loan that must be paid in the currency of a nation that has stability and a reputation abroad for economic strength (a hard currency). |||For example···

    2022-01-05 15:59:18
  • Hard Money

    1. Funding by a government or organization that is repetitive, rather than a one-time grant. Examples include ongoing government daycare subsidies or firms tha···

    2022-01-05 15:41:02
  • Hard Currency

    A currency, usually from a highly industrialized country, that is widely accepted around the world as a form of payment for goods and services. A hard currency···

    2022-01-05 15:41:06
  • 品牌、营销等持续发力 法狮龙2022年上半年营收逆势同比增长43.24%


    2022-08-18 07:38:54
  • “品牌方执意要求” 高端甜品品牌LADY M将关店

      7月21日,高端甜品品牌LADY M中国内地运营方上海牧薪餐饮管理有限公司发布公告称,应品牌方要求,LADY M中国内地···

    2022-07-21 20:27:00
  • 品牌退出

    品牌退出 品牌退出指品牌已处于生命周期的晚期,不能在为企业增值,则企业放弃该品牌并使其退出市场的行为。 品牌退出主要的原因   品牌资产的来源枯竭,企业很难对品牌建···

    2022-02-22 10:38:52
  • 52个品牌、100多款车型优惠购 2022年全国新能源汽车下乡活动在昆山启动


    2022-06-17 20:29:12
  • 品牌知名度不断提升 伟创电气2021年净利润增长45%


    2022-02-27 21:37:51
  • 品牌影响力的内涵有哪些,品牌影响力有多重要


    2021-08-26 15:03:08
  • 品牌使用者决策

    什么是品牌使用者决策   品牌使用者决策又称,品牌归属决策是指厂商在决定给其产品规定品牌之后,下一步需要决定如何使用该品牌。是决定用本企业(制造商本身)的牌号,还是用经销···

    2022-02-22 14:49:00
  • 品牌品质 惠享生活 第四届“双品网购节”开幕


    2022-04-28 17:52:06
  • 品牌经济学


    2021-12-18 09:01:54