
  • modality

    modality [məu'dæləti] n. 形式,形态;程序;物理疗法;主要的感觉 [ 复数 modalities ] 短语 sensory modality 感觉形态 modality principle 通道原则 ; 形式原则 modality c···

    2022-04-09 21:04:35
  • Specific Identification Inventory Valuation Method

    A method of keeping track of all items in an inventory. Specific identification inventory valuation is often used for larger items such as furniture or vehicle···

    2022-01-05 14:49:41
  • Specific-Shares Method

    A personal financial accounting method that, when used properly, can help reduce capital gains realized for an investor who purchased multiple sets of a stock···

    2022-01-05 14:49:46