
  • Schedule A

    A U.S. income tax form used by taxpayers to report itemized deductions, which can help reduce an individual's federal tax liability. Expenses that can be itemi···

    2022-01-05 14:50:07
  • Schedule L

    A form attached to Form 1040 that is used to calculate the standard deduction for certain tax filers. Schedule L is only used by taxpayers who are increasing t···

    2022-01-05 14:50:15
  • Schedule D

    A U.S. income tax form used by taxpayers to report their realized capital gains or losses. Investors are required to report their capital gains (and losses) f···

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  • Schedule K-1

    A tax document used to report the incomes, losses and dividends of a business's partners or S corporation's shareholders. Rather than being a financial summary···

    2022-01-05 14:50:27
  • Option Schedule

    A list of options grants to an employee or employees of a company that contain the date and size (in shares) of each grant, as well as the expiration date, exe···

    2022-01-05 14:18:29
  • Tax Schedule

    A rate sheet used by individual taxpayers to determine their estimated taxes due. There are four main schedules used, based on the filing status of the individ···

    2022-01-05 14:48:14