
  • EV(Enterprise Value)

    英文名称:EV(Enterprise Value) 中文名称:企业价值评估公司价值的一个指标,等于公司总市值、优先股的价值及负债总额的和扣除现金及现金等价物后得到的结果,是决定···

    2022-01-05 13:53:59
  • Monopoly Enterprise

    英文名称:Monopoly Enterprise中文名称:垄断企业 eb1619e81e59668d2db8098284f6daa5 能在其市场上对某种产品或服务实行完全的或某种程度的控制,并使其他企业不···

    2022-01-05 13:30:58
  • Enterprise Annuity

    英文名称:Enterprise Annuity 中文名称:企业年金指企业及其职工在依法参加基本养老保险的基础上,自愿建立的补充养老保险制度,由国家宏观指导、企业内部决策执行,···

    2022-01-05 13:31:01
  • SAS Enterprise Miner

      SAS/Enterpreise Miner是在数据挖掘市场上令人敬畏的竞争者。它支持SAS统计模块,使之具有杰出的力量和影响,它还通过大量数据挖掘算法增强了那些模块。SAS使用它的SEMMA···

    2021-10-22 21:45:18
  • Total Enterprise Value - TEV

    A valuation measurement used to compare companies with varying levels of debt. This is calculated as: TEV = Market Capitalization + Interest Bearing Debt + Pre···

    2022-01-05 16:10:06
  • Enterprise Resource Planning - ERP

    A process by which a company (often a manufacturer) manages and integrates the important parts of its business. An ERP management information system integrates···

    2022-01-05 15:27:29
  • enterprise

    n. 办企业;企业单位···

    2022-03-27 23:54:36
  • Enterprise Zone

    英文名称:Enterprise Zone 中文名称:企业区/投资优惠区指政府为鼓励和吸引企业投资或落户,专门设立并提供各种政策及税收优惠的区域。···

    2022-01-05 13:27:30
  • Enterprise Multiple

    A ratio used to determine the value of a company. The enterprise multiple looks at a firm as a potential acquirer would, because it takes debt into account - a···

    2022-01-05 16:31:19
  • Enterprise-Value-To-Revenue Multiple - EV/R

    A measure of the value of a stock that compares a company's enterprise value to its revenue. EV/R is one of several fundamental indicators that investors use t···

    2022-01-05 16:31:21
  • free enterprise


    2022-01-05 12:48:47
  • Enterprise Value - EV

    A measure of a company's value, often used as an alternative to straightforward market capitalization. Enterprise value is calculated as market cap plus debt,···

    2022-01-05 16:31:27
  • Enterprise-Value-To-Sales - EV/Sales

    A valuation measure that compares the enterprise value of a company to the company's sales. EV/sales gives investors an idea of how much it costs to buy the co···

    2022-01-05 16:31:28
  • Growth Enterprise Market

    英文名称:Growth Enterprise Market 中文名称:创业板市场一种专门针对具有成长潜力的中小型企业的股票市场,上市标准较低,也称二板市场。e.g. Zhang Gong, deputy···

    2022-01-05 13:29:13
  • 东芝将为印度电动车商EVage提供SCiB锂离子电池


    2022-10-11 16:24:07