


1.Financial assets and financial the fair value of the methodFair value, refers to the fair trade, are familiar with the situation of assets to the voluntary trade exchange or the amount of . Financial tools exist the active market, this company USES the active market quotation determine its fair value. The active market quotation is to point to easily from the regular exchange, brokers, industry , pricing service agencies getting the prices, and the in the fair actually happened in the market price. Financial tools does not exist the active market, our company adopts determine the fair value of the . including reference familiar with the situation and voluntary of all parties to recent in the market price of the use of the same in essence, refer to other financial of the fair value of the current, -cash-flow method and the option pricing model and so on.

2.Financial asset , and business financial assets, according to the trading day to terminate and . Financial assets in the time of initial is divided into to the fair value and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial assets, the held-to-maturity , loans and accounts and available for sale financial assets. Initial of financial assets, in order to fair value . For the fair value and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the related costs directly included in the current profits and losses, and for other kinds of financial assets, the related costs included in the amount of initial .The company financial assets only for loans and ;Loans and accounts is to point to has no offer in the active market and recycling of the amount of the fixed or non- financial assets. The company is divided into loans and the accounts of financial assets include notes , other accounts and etc.Financial asset In addition to the fair value and the changes are included in the current profits and losses of the financial asset, the company in each balance sheet date on other financial carrying value of the asset for , have objective evidence that financial asset occurred, provision shall be made.

3. This company for single amount of financial assets test; The amount of not financial assets, test or included in the credit risk with similar of the of financial asset test. Alone has not occurred the test financial assets (including single amount and not major financial assets), including in a similar credit risk of financial portfolio test again. Already single confirm the loss of financial assets, not included in the credit risk with similar of the of financial asset test.





使用PCR(put- call -ratio)这些仓位的比率来分析,其实准碓度有限。一般来说认沽的IO量除以认内购的IO量,若值愈大,表示市容场近期喜欢留仓认沽,倾向有避险需求,应该是偏空的,但由于各市场参与者结构不一,个人投资者居多的市场反而是反向指标,个人认为预测效果没有想象那么好。

期权来费和期权保证金的区别自是期权费是指期权合约买方为取得期权合约所赋予的某种金融资产或商品的买卖选择权而付给期权合约卖方的费用。期权保证金是在期权交易中,买方向卖方支付一笔权利金,买方获得了权利但没有义务,因此除权利金外,买方不需要交纳保证金。“期权费”亦称“期权保险费”,英文名称“option premium”。期权费是指期权合约买方为取得期权合约所赋予的某种金融资产或商品的买卖选择权而付给期权合约卖方的费用。它是期权的价格。一般,签订的期权合约的平均期权费为合约交易的金融资产或商品价格的10% 左右。该笔费用通常在交易后两个营业日交付,它代表了买方最大的损失额,从而也代表了卖方最大的利润额。 股票-波动较大,无期限,长期上涨期货-波动大,有期限,长期伴随通货膨胀内权证-股票对应的买卖容权利,波动大,有期限,不同约定内容有不同性质外汇-波动小,带杠杆后波动大或者很大,无期限.零和游戏黄金-波动小,带杠杆后波动大或者很大,无期限,长期伴随通涨基金-股票的集合,波动一般,不同品种特性不同. 分红就是上市公司根据利润情况向股民用配股或者派息的形式分配利润,在分配之前你的回股票有享受分配的权利就答是含权。到了公司规定的登记日,将你的股票数量登记在册,按规定进行分红派息,到了约定的日子,你的配股或者派息会自动划到你的账户里。从登记的第二天开始,因为你已经享受了分红了,你就不再有享受分配的权利了,就叫除权了。

想问50etf期权持仓量多少?抄50etf期权是以50ETF为标的股票的期权,它按照 到期日、行期价格和认购认沽的不同,分为多个合约种类, 每一种合约都有不同的持仓量。我刚刚数了下,今天在上市的50ETF期权足足有128种不同的合约。大多数炒股软件(或股权软件)都可以查到合约的持仓量,持仓量的高低可以一定程度上反映该合约的活跃度。

参见下图,这是一个股票软件上 关于期权合约的截图。 标题“50ETF沽12月2750”的意思为这是一种12月到期 行权价为2.75元/股 的认沽期权, 中间黄色数字 4555 就是说明这种合约当前的市场上的总持仓量为4555张。








