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funk [fʌŋk] 基本释义 词组短语 同近义词 n. 恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味 vt. 害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味 vi. 惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味 blue funk n. 恐惧;精神紧张 in a blue funk adv. 惊恐万状 n. 恐惧;怯懦;恐怖;臭味fear , terror , smell vt. 害怕;畏缩;使闻到臭味be nervous of , be afraid to vi. 惊恐;畏缩;发出臭味recoil from , shrink back from 网络释义 21世纪大英汉词典 英英释义 疯克音乐 ...疯克音乐(Funk) 作为连接传统“灵魂乐”(Soul)和早期“迪士高”(Disco)的过渡音乐,“疯克音乐”(Funk)是R&B最为节奏化和现实化(偶然也会有些狂... 霉味 [食品词典]F9 ... funiculus 菌丝索 funk 霉味 funnel ① 漏斗 ② 烟囱;通风筒 ③ 咽喉 ... 放客 放客(Funk)的本意是上世纪七十年代流行于美国的一种追求自由表现的音乐和舞蹈,放客篮球则是一种倡导自由创意和独立风格的篮球文化,而卡特... 放克乐 第三曲《点一首歌Put your records on》应算是她最擅长的轻快曲路,愉快的节奏蓝调混合轻放克乐(Funk),就像歌词中唱著:『蓝蓝的天空,寂静午后的暖暖阳光,在路边啜著茶,让心像风筝般随风飞吧…』是首难得多见的纯开心歌曲。 短语 Funk Metal 疯克金属 ; 放克金属 ; 克金属 ; 芬克金属 Blue Funk 败军之将不可言勇 Funk Break 倩女幽魂 ; 荣 ; 张国荣 Bob Funk 鲍勃·方克 funk guitar 放克吉他 ; 祛懦吉他 ; 疯克吉他 FUNK BLUES 丢工作 ; 蓝稻田 Firebat Funk 胆怯的火蝙蝠 ELECTRO FUNK 进电子版 Full Funk 完全放克 funk1 [fʌŋk] n. 0.恐惧,恐慌,惊惶;怯懦 0.懦夫,胆小鬼 0.[美国俚语]意志消沉,(情绪)沮丧;苦闷,抑郁[亦作 blue funk] vi. [口语] 惊慌,惊恐;畏缩:He always funked when competition grew too keen. 在竞争太激烈时他总是畏缩不前。 vt. 0.害怕,恐惧: He funked telling her the truth. 他害怕告诉她真相。 0.(因害怕而)逃避(义务、责任等);畏缩,退缩 0.使惊恐,吓唬 funk2 [fʌŋk] n. 0.(如发霉烟草的刺鼻的)霉(臭)味 0.[美国英语]早期爵士乐,(源自福音传教歌唱、有非洲节奏的)乡土勃鲁斯音乐 0.=funk art vi. [美国俚语](伴随悦耳乐曲)欢快地晃动以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 funk [ fʌŋk ] n. 0.a state of nervous depression "he was in a funk" 同义词: blue funk 0.United States biochemist (born in Poland) who showed that several diseases were caused by dietary deficiencies and who coined the term `vitamin' for the chemicals involved (1884-1967) 同义词: Casimir Funk 0.an earthy type of jazz combining it with blues and soul; has a heavy bass line that accentuates the first beat in the bar v. draw back, as with fear or pain 同义词: flinch squinch cringe shrink wince recoil quail 以上来源于: WordNet 双语例句 原声例句 权威例句 1.What is needed to get markets funk is a catalyst . 让市场走出恐惧需要催化剂。 2.Anyone who wants Japan to cast off its 20 -year economic funk will welcome that. 这是任何想让日本摆脱20年经济低迷的人想要的结果。 3.Financial markets were in a general funk , caused in part by America's bank -reform plans and in part by worries about policy -tightening in China . 美国银行的重组计划,对中国政策收紧的担心,都使金融市场处于普遍恐慌当中。
