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  金融风险防控 中央登记托管 穿透式监管


























  穿透式(see through, look through)监管是防范金融风险的有力武器。穿透式监管是指监管部门能够及时、准确、完整地掌握实际投资者的明细账户持有情况,其同时强调“穿透”和“监管”,即“看得清、管得住”。在我国债券市场,穿透式监管的实现方式主要是直接持有模式,其不仅对债券市场投资者的身份进行识别,还能够实现对整个资金端、资产端以及资产流向的主动穿透。具体而言,中央登记托管机构为终端投资者直接开立债券账户,通过该账户穿透至底层投资者信息,并可对账户进行动态监测和相应管理。穿透式监管可以最大程度消除误报和欺诈风险,保护投资者权益,维护国家金融安全。该监管理念已上升为对债券市场和金融改革的要求。2












  二是扩大券款对付机制(Delivery versus Payment,DVP)。2004年,中央结算公司的债券综合业务系统与人民银行大额支付系统实现联网运行,由此建成了使用央行货币的全额实时DVP结算机制,提高了交易效率,也根除了债券交易中的结算本金风险。在监管部门的推动下,银行间市场的债券交易全面采用DVP结算方式,截至2016年,DVP成为银行间市场唯一的结算方式,结算比例达100%。中央结算公司早已具备在全环节实现DVP的能力和条件。未来,可在实现交易DVP结算的基础上,推进实现发行环节DVP;扩大实现多币种DVP机制,进一步降低风险。














  1. 例如《中华人民共和国国债托管管理暂行办法》(财国债字〔1997〕25号)、《全国银行间债券市场交易管理办法》(中国人民银行令〔2000〕第2号)、《银行间债券市场债券登记托管结算管理办法》(中国人民银行令〔2009〕第1号)。

  2. 2016年,国务院办公厅印发《互联网金融风险专项整治工作实施方案》,首次以规范性文件的形式提出穿透式监管要求。2017年7月全国金融工作会议提出,要坚持从我国国情出发推进金融监管体制改革,增强金融监管协调的权威性、有效性,强化金融监管的专业性、统一性、穿透性,所有金融业务都要纳入监管,及时有效识别和化解风险。财政部2020年发布《地方政府债券发行管理办法》,明确提出投资者应当直接在登记托管机构开立债券账户,实施穿透式管理;财政部2021年发布《地方政府专项债券项目资金绩效管理办法》,要求财政部门利用信息化手段探索对专项债券项目实行穿透式监管。

  3. 国际金融和货币事务咨询小组(又称“国际30人小组”,简称G30)于1989年推出的《世界证券市场清算结算系统报告》,其中明确要求“所有市场……在1990年实现T+5日结算,并把在1992年实现T+3日结算作为中期目标”。2001年,国际清算银行支付清算委员会(CPSS)和国际证券委员会组织(IOSCO)联合发布的《证券结算系统建议》中也指出“最终结算不应晚于T+3日”。PFMI进一步要求“如果有必要或更好,金融基础设施应该在日间或实时提供最终结算”。


  1. 蔡达. 我国金融基础设施建设的现状、问题和对策研究[J]. 现代管理科学,2019(1):3.

  2.杨东. 监管科技: 金融科技的监管挑战与维度建构[J]. 中国社会科学,2018(5).


  4. 支付结算体系委员会,国际清算银行和国际证监会组织技术委员会. 金融市场基础设施原则[M]. 北京:中国金融出版社,2013.

  5. Berndsen R. What is Happening in Scrooge Digiduck‘s Warehouse? [R]. Tilburg : Tilburg University, 2011.


  ◇作者:中央结算公司中债研发中心刘爽 祁畅

  ◇责任编辑:刘颖 鹿宁宁

  Strengthening Financial Risk Prevention and Control with Central Securities Depository and Settlement System

  LIU Shuang, QI Chang

  Abstract: Risk prevention and mitigation is a constant theme of the financial market. Bond registration, depository and settlement infrastructures not only constitute a key line of defense for guarding against material financial risks in the bond market, but also provide a fundamental guarantee for the efficient and steady operation of the bond market. Systemic deficiencies in such infrastructures may trigger many types of risks, which mainly include the asset security risk, sovereignty risks, settlement risks, operational risks, and data security risks caused by multi-tiered custody. See-through (or “look-through”) regulation is an important regulatory means of preventing financial market risks. In China‘s bond market, see-through regulation and risk control are enabled largely by the direct holding and centralized depository system. Accordingly, this paper proposes the following five recommendations: firstly, insisting on see-through regulation and direct holding; secondly, consolidating and developing a secure and efficient settlement mechanism; thirdly, sticking to central ownership confirmation in cross-border connection; fourthly, establishing unified financial infrastructure; and fifthly, forming a core infrastructure IT system aligned with international standards to cooperate with financial regulators in performing monitoring functions and erecting a line of defense for risk management.

  Keywords: Financial risk prevention and control, central securities depository, see-through regulation

  Financial risk is one of the starkest material risks at present. Compared with other industries, the financial sector is characterized by high leverage and significant social participation. While pushing up the yield, it is likely to intensify the market volatility. Once risk losses occur, they will wreck social and economic stability. Therefore, forestalling financial risks is a constant theme of the financial market. The tough battle of preventing and mitigating major financial risks turns out to be a top priority for the current financial work.

  The CPC and the government attach great importance to preventing systemic financial risks. The 19th National Congress listed “forestalling and defusing major risks as the first of the three critical battles waged to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects”, which elevated financial risk prevention to an unprecedented height. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee adopted the Outline for the 14th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development and Long-Range Objectives through the Year 2035, which would ensure coordination of development and security throughout the broad strategy of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. On the plenary session, it was proposed that “national security imperatives are integrated into every aspect of national development”, “China will forestall and address challenges to its modernization, to safeguard national security”, and “the security of network, financial, and other important infrastructures will be maintained”. The 2021 Report on the Work of the Government indicated that “to ensure national economic security, China will carry out strategies for safeguarding food, energy and resource, and financial security”. That financial security is mentioned separately in parallel with other critical aspects of the national economy attests to its paramount importance.

  Bond Registration, Depository and Settlement Infrastructures: An Important Means of Preventing Financial Risks

  The security of the financial system depends on a robust and efficient bond market, while the security of the bond market is inseparable from its market infrastructures--the pipelines that hold the market together. Infrastructures are the pipelines or hubs of the bond market, whose presence is often not felt when the pipe network is functioning well. However, when risks occur, they often produce the butterfly effect. Registration, depository and settlement, as three important functions of market bond infrastructures, cover the whole life cycle of bonds, involving the operation of bonds and funds, the confirmation and transfer of bond rights and interests, and the ultimate achievement of transaction purposes. A domino effect will take place as any of the above links goes wrong. The PBOC, the NDRC and four other ministries jointly issued the Work Plan for Coordinated Supervision of Financial Infrastructures, emphasizing in the press release that “financial infrastructures refer to the systems and institutional arrangements that provide basic public services for all types of financial activities; they occupy a pivotal position in the operation of the financial market; while offering the basic guarantee for the sound and efficient operation of the financial market, they also function as an important approach to implementing macro-prudential management and strengthening risk prevention”. Guo Shuqing, Chairman of CBIRC, pointed out in an article titled “Improving the Modern Finance Supervision System” that “it is important to increase the regulatory support function of financial infrastructures, and make the clearing, settlement, registration, custody, and other systems more professional”. In short, high importance should be attached to bond registration, depository, and settlement infrastructures, which not only provide a fundamental guarantee for the efficient and steady market operation, but also constitute a key line of defense for guarding against material financial risks.

  As the front-runners in the drive of opening up the Chinese bond market, the bond registration, depository and settlement infrastructures play a pivotal role in ensuring the security and efficiency of cross-border financial transactions as well as safeguarding financial sovereignty. As the RMB internationalization progresses, foreign entities demonstrate the ever-growing demand for RMB bond investment and financing. On the one hand, a more open bond market can bring many benefits, which include improving market liquidity and the financing structure, enabling RMB to evolve into an international investment and trading currency, an international reserve currency, and other identities unique to the advanced stage of currency internationalization, and forcing the acceleration of the market-based financial reform. On the other hand, a more open bond market may encourage speculative arbitrage activities and cross-border capital flow volatility, posing potential risks to the domestic market. Therefore, enhanced regulation is required to prevent problems before they arise. In developed markets, the regulatory power over open financial markets and global investors is often extended and tactfully exercised by establishing robust and efficient local financial infrastructures as well as introducing proper business rules and technical platforms under the central depository and settlement system. In this sense, consolidating the secure and efficient bond market infrastructures proves a practical way to enhance the influence of RMB, maintain the financial security, and form a new development pattern that features the positive interplay between domestic and international circulations.

  The bond registration, depository and settlement infrastructures were created to crack down on market disorders. The bond registration, depository and settlement system has been established in China to meet the requirements for market risk management. China’s bond market was ever stricken by serious risk events, due to the lack of a central securities depository and settlement system and a corresponding risk management mechanism, which drew high attention from the financial regulators and pushed them to reflect. Back then, it was urgent to break the barriers and launch the much-needed reform. After drawing upon international experience and considering China’s own conditions, the regulators were determined to establish a central securities depository (CSD), which would promote the centralized registration, depository and settlement of China government bonds (CGB) from the top level. With the approval of the State Council, the MOF and the PBOC in 1996 co-established China Central Depository & Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC), and issued a series of important documents1 to establish the central depository as the basis of bond management policies and specify the irreplaceable role of CCDC in market risk management. As an outcome of reform and innovation, the central depository and settlement system shoulders the missions of straightening out the financial order, preventing financial risks, and pressing ahead with the financial reform. It has continued to play an irreplaceable role in the rapid development of China’s bond market and financial market.

  Risks Possibly Triggered by Systemic Deficiencies in Bond Registration, Depository and Settlement Infrastructures

  As previously described, bond registration, depository and settlement infrastructures offer an important means of preventing financial risks. However, if they are systemically flawed or fall short of proper management, these facilities may also trigger market risks and become a potential source of risk transmission. Some scholars point out that while transferring financial risks, financial infrastructures also pool the risks borne by market participants in themselves, and turn them into their own risks. In the absence of proper management, these facilities would become an origin for financial shocks such as liquidity mismatch and credit risk, or a primary channel for the spread of the such shocks in domestic and international financial markets; they are especially likely to turn into a source of systemic risks or a channel for their diffusion. Therefore, well-structured, functionally-optimized, and risk-controlled infrastructure plays a crucial role in reducing the operating costs and risks of the bond market, and maintaining the stability of the financial system.

  i. Asset security risks

  Asset security risks are the possibilities where the assets held in custody sustain losses since custodians (or sub-custodians) fall under such circumstances as insolvency, negligence, fraud, mismanagement, etc.

  Multi-tiered custody can easily lead to the misappropriation of customers’ assets, posing serious asset security risks. Under the multi-tiered custody, accounts are placed under other accounts, to form omnibus accounts. Coupled with incomplete management and lax regulation, this makes it possible for sub-custodians to embezzle customers’ bonds and funds. Such motivation grows even stronger, especially when bonds are endowed with financing functions by repo. In the past, there were a large number of risk events: intermediaries embezzled customers’ bonds under custody or conducted illegal repos, such as the repo risk on the exchange, a state-owned bank over-issued CGBs for funds, and some foreign intermediaries used omnibus accounts to misappropriate client assets. All of these risk events have exposed the weak operational links in the protection of customer assets.

  ii. Sovereignty risks

  Sovereignty risks are the possibilities that the assets are frozen or become difficult to repatriates due to deterioration in relations between countries or other reasons.

  Take government bonds for example. As the sovereign debt, government bonds have been repeatedly taken as the “safest haven” amid the global market volatility, due to their zero risk, high stability, and excellent security. Government bonds can help stabilize the financial system. Furthermore, their liquidity and sovereign credit security means the lifeline for the entire national financial market, as evidenced in the Asian financial crisis and the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis. In recent years, foreign institutions have continued to increase their holdings of CGBs. However, if the proportion of CGBs held by foreign investors through the multi-tiered custody goes too high, it means that a large amount of information on the transactions carried out by foreign investors becomes unavailable. It will then be difficult to detect the abnormal changes in CGB assets and related funds; that is, offshore bond accounts are under no regulation. For instance, a foreign custodian bank has conducted tri-party repo in the name of “financial innovation” to circumvent regulation. This practice exposed the inherent defects of the opaque multi-tiered custody as well as the institutional possibilities it provides for international financial institutions to override regulation. Within the multi-tiered custody mechanism, it is impossible for regulators to identify custodian acts such as insider trading or non-compliant cooperation. As to the spot bond transactions off the radar or more elusive and complex derivatives transactions, once they get out of control, the capital control policies will be challenged, with the domestic financial market as well as its autonomy over RMB asset pricing and the price stability battered seriously. This is especially true in the current international situation, which is complex and volatile. If, in the worst case, a country blatantly launches blockade or sanctions against China, we will have little countermeasures, and surely lose part of the ability to safeguard national financial security.

  iii. Settlement risks

  Settlement risks are the possibilities that settlements cannot be completed as expected. In other words, settlement obligations cannot be fulfilled properly. In general, the longer the custody chain, the more intermediaries are involved, and the more cumbersome the settlement process, the greater the possibility of defaults and settlement failures will be.

  At present, the European and American markets mostly adopt the multi-tiered custody structure, where transactions are processed at multiple levels and through cumbersome steps, with high involvement of manual operations, resulting in a long settlement cycle. According to statistics, foreign institutions entering the Chinese market through the multi-tiered custody are largely following the T+2 settlement cycle, with only a small fraction settling on T+0. In contrast, most of those entering the market directly through the Global Connect are settling on T+1 and T+0. For the foreign investors entering China’s interbank market through the multi-tiered custody mechanism, despite their access to the efficient onshore market infrastructures, they find it hard to adapt to the T+0 settlement cycle, due to limited internal transaction processing capacities. To facilitate these investors and accommodate their trading habits, transaction needs and liquidity arrangements, they are given access to prolonged settlement cycles such as T+2, T+3, and recycling settlement in support of spot bond settlements on T+N (N≥4). However, such a compromise does no good to saving transaction cost. Instead, it increases potential risk losses. Furthermore, the inconsistency between domestic and cross-border settlement rules will also cripple the disciplines for foreign institutions, and undermine the overall stability of China’s bond market.

  iv. Operational risks

  Operational risks are the possibilities of deterioration or interruption in the services provided by financial infrastructures due to defects in information systems or internal processing, human errors, mismanagement, or disruption by external disturbances.

  In the absence of a central depository and settlement system in the bond market, market participants need to open multiple accounts for different securities types, if they want to trade in multiple markets. In this case, market entities have to make duplicate inputs to develop internal business systems as well as technical systems and processes, which complicates internal operation processes and raises costs in operation and transaction search, adding to operational risks and undermining efficiency in using their bond assets. If the multi-tiered custody mode is adopted, investors also need to maintain relations with intermediaries at different layers, and pay more for intermediary services compared with direct holders. In addition, improper market connection design can also increase market burden, costs and operational risks.

  v. Data security risks

  Data security risks are the possibilities of data loss and leakage due to system and human errors, resulting in serious threats to customers’ privacy and property.

  A central securities depository holds the full life-cycle data on bond issuance, transaction settlement, depository, etc. Financial data are complex and diverse, so the importance of their security is self-evident. Major financial market infrastructures should pay high attention to data security. In addition, the fast-growing financial technology (Fintech) has profoundly changed the industry. Fintech innovation is a “double-edged sword”. It could boost market efficiency on the one hand, and cause significant risks on the other hand. Innovative Fintech has made significant changes in the form, path of transmission, and boundaries of financial risks. Cyber security, information protection, and data security, therefore, have become important issues facing financial regulators. The digital transition and the adoption of new technologies bring new types of risks, which are closely interwoven with financial business scenarios. All these pressingly require reinforcement in protection of the operational systems and equipment of the registration, depository and settlement infrastructures.

  Measures to Forestall Bond Market Risks

  i. Insisting on see-through regulation and direct holding

  See-through (also “look-through”) regulation is a powerful tool to prevent financial risks. It means that regulators can capture the detailed account holdings of actual investors in a timely, accurate, and complete manner. The process emphasizes both “see-through” and “regulation”, that is, knowing clearly and exercising effective control. In the Chinese bond market, see-through regulation is enabled by adopting the direct holding mode, which not only identifies investors, but also enables active penetration of the capital side, asset side, and asset flow. Specifically, the central securities depository opens bond accounts directly for end investors, sees through the accounts to the underlying investor information, and monitors and manages such accounts dynamically. In this sense, see-through regulation can eliminate the risks of misrepresentation and fraud, protect the rights and interests of investors, and maintain financial security to the greatest extent. This regulatory concept has been listed as a requirement for the bond market and financial reform in China.2

  Direct holding is the most effective and impactful arrangement for implementing see-through management. In addition to fewer intermediate links and less operational risks, it also enables regulators to capture the true identity of investors and the actual movements of bonds and funds, thus facilitating effective regulation. The Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI) states that direct participation in a financial infrastructure usually provides a number of benefits, some of which may not be available to indirect participants, and financial market infrastructures establish objective thresholds above which direct participation would normally be encouraged. Compared with its overseas counterparts, the Chinese bond market was established later, but its market infrastructures have gained later-mover advantages at the very beginning. Firstly, by making good use of the computer technology, a direct-holding, single-level custodian account system was created, where investors could directly open bond accounts with the central securities depository, that is, CCDC, and the latter would assume the responsibility for centralized depository of bonds. Secondly, right after its establishment, CCDC took the lead in launching the paperless depository system, and brought the remaining physical bonds under immobilized centralized custody, thus putting an end to the decentralized custody of paper bonds in China, and maintaining national credit and financial stability. The system featuring “real-name accounts + direct-holding account system + centralized custody” has not only created a secure and efficient trading environment, but also supported the implementation of see-through regulation.

  Direct holding has a clear legal relationship, which is conducive to protecting investors. From the perspective of public law, financial infrastructures are independent third-party institutions that are fundamental, public, and irreplaceable, which makes them reliable for investors. In particular, as CGBs and local government bonds (“LGBs”) are backed by national or government credit, the infrastructure where they are issued and traded is naturally public and reliable. Additionally, the establishment of unified financial infrastructures could give regulators direct access to transaction information. So when disputes occur, regulators and judicial organs may directly obtain information from such infrastructures, making it easier to protect the rights and interests of investors. In the view of private law, if the direct holding mode is adopted, the legal relationship is certain and clear, which results in better protection of investors. Under this mode, the fact that end investors hold securities can be directly confirmed with the central securities depository. The debtor-creditor relationship on bonds exists only between bond investors and issuers. Under the indirect holding mode, however, end investors may be involved in debtor-creditor relationships with multiple layer of custodians, between whom other legal relationship may also exist, thus forming a nested chain of custody. In this case, only when all custodians in the chain have a sufficient number of securities, will end account holders have full rights. In an extreme case where a nominal holder on one of the intermediate layers becomes insolvent, it is hardly possible for the end investor to maintain its rights. This is because the end investor has no direct legal relationship with the insolvent nominal holder, which makes it hard for the end investor to become an eligible plaintiff in lawsuits. Instead, the end investor can only claim its rights against the immediate nominal holder, with whom it has a direct legal relationship. This complicates the process of investor protection.

  ii. Increasing financial openness with the central securities depository system

  Improving the sovereign debt risk prevention mechanism by using the central securities depository system. Financial infrastructures are able to promptly identify possible risks or unfavorable factors in the bond market and maintain the security and stability of the market in the opening-up. The Chinese bond market, especially the CGB market, plays a pivotal role in maintaining financial security, and adherence to central securities depository and see-through regulation is a basic principle underlying the management of the CGB market. The central securities depository should have the detailed data on cross-border capital flows, help regulators keep track of CGB accounts, monitor and control abnormal cross-border flows, and promptly detect and properly deal with financial risks.

  Sticking to central ownership confirmation in cross-border connection. At present, CCDC supports the full-scale opening of the bond market with the Global Connect direct holding mode, the Bond Connect multi-level account mode, and the Macao parallel account mode, among which the Global Connect is the most used. The Global Connect and the Macao mode emphasize central ownership confirmation and direct holding. Featuring fewer links, higher legal certainty and transparency, these two modes are widely accepted by foreign investors. In the future, it is important to promote cross-border connection using such modes. In a few cases, such as for small and medium-sized investors, it is advised to set up an account system that consists of the single-level custodial arrangement and the multi-tiered custodial service, on the basis of central ownership confirmation and see-through regulation. Such an account system is set to support the see-through verification of end investors, identify the ultimate risk and return bearers, and implement the regulatory requirements for investor suitability. At the same time, some non-see-through structures under the multi-tiered custody in cross-border business scenarios need to be rectified to ensure see-through regulation and central ownership confirmation, with a view to preventing risk events.

  iii. Consolidating and developing a secure and efficient settlement mechanism

  Shortening settlement cycles properly is necessary in the post-crisis era.

  First, it can effectively reduce market risks. This is because it takes less time to close a transaction, the total unsettled amount decreases, and counterparty risk exposure is reduced. At the same time, the accelerated circulation of funds and collateral helps reduce liquidity risks.

  Second, it is conducive to improving market efficiency. To adapt to short settlement cycles, market institutions must make their transaction processing more automatic. It can be seen from the international practice that shortening settlement cycles is an inevitable trend in the industry. It is also necessary for reducing risks, raising efficiency, and standardizing settlement processes.3

  The Chinese bond market is suggested to improve its settlement mechanism from the following dimensions.

  First, taking the advantages of the relatively short settlement cycles. Under the guidance of related authorities, China’s interbank market has long realized settlement cycles of T+0 and T+1, thus coming at the forefront of the world. The technical systems such as electronic trading platforms and integrated business terminals have been relatively sophisticated. At the same time, the design of single-level custody has removed redundant intermediate links and simplified the trading process. Therefore, instead of simply accommodating the trading habits of foreign investors, China should continue to consolidate and improve its leading edge in the settlement cycle.

  Second, expanding the coverage of the delivery versus payment (DVP) mechanism. In 2004, CCDC got its integrated bond business system connected with the PBOC’s high-value payment system, thus putting in place a gross, real-time DVP settlement mechanism using central bank money. The mechanism improved the efficiency of transactions, and eradicated the principal risk in settlement. Promoted by regulators, DVP has been adopted as the sole settlement method in the interbank market as of 2016. CCDC has long obtained the capacities and conditions for applying DVP to all links. On the basis of realizing DVP settlement for transactions, it will use DVP for bond issuance. Meanwhile, it will also establish a multi-currency DVP mechanism, with a view to further reducing risks.

  Third, giving full play to the role of collateral. CCDC has become the largest bond collateral manager in China. Relying on the world-class and reliable collateral management system, it is becoming a pivot for risk management in the financial market and an important propeller in turning RMB bond assets into an international safe asset. In the future, CCDC will continue to improve collateral enforcement in default to help realize security interest, increase credit risk management measures for interbank market participants, and prevent and mitigate financial risks at the institutional level. At the same time, it will expand the targets of cross-border cooperation on collateral, attract the wide participation of international central securities depositories (ICSDs), central securities depositories, global custodian banks, trading venues and market participants, and strive to provide investors with the risk and liquidity management solutions covering multiple levels, multiple markets and multiple platforms.

  iv. Establishing the unified bond market infrastructures

  The unified infrastructures can assist market risk control to the greatest extent possible, and strike a balance between security and efficiency.

  First, financial infrastructures underlie the operation of economy and finance, since they can link all parts of the financial system together as the hardware facilities and institutional arrangements. Unlike the traditional “one-to-one transactions”, transactions are processed in the financial market infrastructures on a huge scale in a fast and standardized way. Besides, the high concentration of risks and the existence of many special operating principles require specialized rules. A centralized framework of market infrastructures can identify actual participants and understand the substance of their trading activities, and thus provide accurate and necessary information for the formulation of specialized rules and making of regulatory decisions. Conversely, decentralized financial infrastructures will technically impede see-through regulation.

  Second, a full access to and integration of underlying data across sectors and market segments is needed to identify the underlying assets and end investors of asset management products, to see through and identify the business nature and substance, and to identify, assess, and forewarn about risks across sectors and market segments.

  Third, the centralized financial infrastructures can also help coordinate financial regulation and judicial adjudication, thus improving the financial market in terms of operational transparency, law-based systems, and policy consistency.

  Therefore, the central securities depository system should be constantly improved. Decentralized back-office operation should be phased out and a single infrastructure should be responsible for the registration, depository and settlement of the entire bond market.

  v. Forming a core infrastructure IT system aligned with international standards

  For financial infrastructure, data-based operation is the foundation and Fintech is the core competitiveness. Therefore, the bond market infrastructures should, based on the central securities depository and settlement system, make full use of Fintech, establish a core IT system aligned with international standards, maintain data security, cooperate with financial regulators in risk control, and perform monitoring functions. The work can be done mainly in the following areas:

  First, improving the data governance system. Feasible measures should be taken to consolidate the foundation of data elements and improve data standards; to specify the organizational structure of data governance and improve related procedures; and to enhance data services, improve the bond market risk monitoring system and data models, and to build a data product lineup that serves both regulators and market participants.

  Second, keeping R&D capabilities and independence for the core systems. Efforts can be made to take a firm grip on the independently developed and open-source products to form a unified operation platform that features controllability and security, stable performance, and complete architecture; to regularly fine-tune the development targets and routes of IT systems to ensure the systems are scalable in a forward-looking, proactive and effective way; to enhance the support for cloud computing, data sandbox, big data, and other innovative technologies; and to adopt the software development life cycle (SDLC) security control in system development to achieve independent control of technical platforms, public services, and operation & maintenance systems.

  Third, improving the ability to ensure business continuity and information security. It is recommended to improve the business continuity and information security management systems for improved operation; to build high-quality data centers, and enhance business capabilities, resources and disaster recovery of the registration, depository and settlement institutions; and to reinforce the security systems by raising the security intensity of network and information systems.

  (This paper is part of the research results of the Research on the Registration, Custody and Settlement Issues in the Chinese Bond Market undertaken by CCDC R&D Center.)


  1. The Interim Measures for the Administration of Depository of the Central Government Bonds of the People’s Republic of China (C.G.ZH.Z. [1997] No.25), the Measures for the Administration of Transactions in the National Interbank Bond Market (PBOC Decree [2000] No.2), the Measures for the Administration of Registration, Depository, and Settlement in the Interbank Bond Market (PBOC Decree [2009] No.1).

  2. In 2016, the General Office of the State Council issued the Implementation Plan for Special Rectification on Risks in Internet Finance, where see-through regulation was put forth in the form of normative document for the first time. The National Financial Work Conference in July 2017 required pushing forward reform of the financial regulation system in light of China’s actual conditions, enhancing the effectiveness of coordinated actions taken by financial regulators, making financial regulation more professional, uniform, and see-through, ensuring all financial operations be included in the scope of regulation, and identifying and resolving risks in a timely and efficient manner. The MOF issued the Measures for the Administration of Issuing Local Government Bonds in 2020, which clearly stated that investors should directly open bond accounts with the central securities depository and bring them under see-through management. The MOF issued the Measures for the Management of Fund Performance of Local Government Bond Projects for Specific Purposes in 2021, which required financial departments to explore bringing special bond projects under see-through regulation using information technology.

  3. The Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs (“the Group of Thirty” or “G30”) published in 1988 a report titled “Clearance and Settlement Systems in the World’s Securities Markets”, which recommended that “all markets should make sure final settlement occurs on T+5 by 1990 at the latest, and take final settlement on T+3 by 1992 as a medium-term goal”. In 2001, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) jointly issued the Recommendations for Securities Settlement Systems, which also indicated that “final settlement should occur no later than T+3”. The PFMI further required that “if were necessary or preferable, a financial market infrastructure should provide final settlement intraday or in real time”.


  1. Cai Da. Research on the Status Quo, Problems and Solutions of Financial Infrastructures in China [J]. Modern Management Science, 2019(1):3.

  2. Yang Dong. Regulatory Technology: Regulatory Challenges and Dimensional Construction of Fintech [J]. Social Sciences in China, 2018(5).

  3. Ye Lin. Interpretation of Financial Infrastructures from the Perspective of Financial Law [J]. Social Sciences, 2019(11).

  4. The Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) of the Bank for International Settlements, the Technical Committee of International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO). Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures [M]. Beijing: China Financial Publishing House, 2013.

  5. Berndsen R. What is Happening in Scrooge Digiduck’s Warehouse? [R]. Tilburg: Tilburg University, 2011.

  Authors from: CCDC R&D Center

  Editors in charge: LIU Ying, LU Ningning
