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furrow ['fərəu] n. 皱纹;犁沟;车辙 vt. 犁;耕;弄绉 vi. 犁田;开沟;犁出浪迹

渔短语 furrow plow 铧式犁 furrow wheel 沟轮 back furrow 蛇形丘 furrow seeder 沟播机 ring furrow 冠沟 longitudinal furrow 纵沟 intersegmental furrow 节与节之间为节间沟 furrow rim 孢槽缘 ambulacral furrow 步带沟 furrow [ 'fərəu ] n. 0.a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow) 0.a slight depression in the smoothness of a surface 同义词: wrinkle crease crinkle seam line v. 0.hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove "furrow soil" 同义词: rut groove 0.make wrinkled or creased "furrow one's brow" 同义词: wrinkle crease 0.cut a furrow into a columns 同义词: chamfer chase 词组短语同近义词 furrow irrigation 沟灌,畦灌;畦沟灌溉 n. 皱纹;[农学]犁沟;车辙rugosity , wrinkle vt. 犁;耕;弄绉till , plough vi. 犁田;开沟;犁出浪迹break ground 双语例句权威例句 1.There is a slight furrow between the eyes . 有轻微沟之间的眼睛是雪亮的。 2.Since his wife 's death he has been ploughing a lonely furrow . 自从妻子死后,他一直过着孤独的生活。 3.The pain of the disease caused him habitually to furrow his brow . 病痛使他习惯性地紧皱眉头。
