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founder ['faundə] 基本释义 词组短语 同近义词 vi. 失败;沉没;倒塌;变跛 vt. 破坏;使摔倒;垮掉 n. 创始人;建立者;翻沙工 founder member 创办人;发起人 vi. 失败;沉没;倒塌;变跛collapse , come to naught vt. 破坏;使摔倒;垮掉destroy , undermine n. 创始人;建立者;翻沙工author , builder 创立者 高科技公司具有其特殊的公司治理结构,例如小规模的董事会、CEO具有公司的创立者(Founder)的身份、内部人持有很高的股权比例等等。这些特性将如何影响内部人薪酬是我们欲探讨的部分。 创办人 几位创办人包括李朝基、杨明芳、何英圻等人,对职称都不是很在意,名片上仅印著合夥创办人(Co-Founder),成立以来,一直都在努力寻找电子商务的最佳营运模式。 短语 Founder Group 北大方正集团 ; 方正集团 ; 创始人家族 Founder Z 方正Z ; 方正 FOUNDER HOLD 方正控股 Founder PC 方正电脑 Founder Z1000 方正Z Founder U 方正U ; 方正 founder breccia 塌积角砾岩 ; 崩陷角砾岩 founder succeed 失败 Founder FIT 方正飞腾 更多收起网络短语found·er /faʊndər/ ( founders, foundering, foundered ) 1. N-COUNT The founder of an institution, organization, or building is the person who got it started or caused it to be built, often by providing the necessary money. 创建人 例: He was one of the founders of the university's medical faculty. 他是该大学医学院的创建人之一。 2. V-I If something such as a plan or project founders, it fails because of a particular point, difficulty, or problem. 失败 例: The talks have foundered, largely because of the reluctance of some members of the government to do a deal with criminals. 会谈已经失败了,主要是因为一些政府成员不愿意和罪犯们达成协议。 founder1 ['faundə] n. 奠基者,创始人,创建者,缔造者 founder2 ['faundə] n. 铸造工,铸工;翻砂工,熔制玻璃工人 founder3 ['faundə] vi. 0.(船、艇等)沉没: The ship foundered in the heavy seas. 这艘船在大浪中沉没。 0.(房屋等)倒塌;(地面等)下陷,陷落 0.(身体、精神等方面)垮掉;(计划等)失败,受挫折: The plan foundered as a result of lack of finance. 这个计划由于缺乏资金而失败。 0.(马或骑马者因奔驰过度)累垮,摔倒,跌跛,变跛 0.(在泥沼等中)动弹不得;陷入(或沉入)泥沼 0.(家畜吃得过饱而)得病,动弹不得: A pet may founder if fed improperly. 宠物如喂养不当可得病。 0.【兽病理学】(马)患蹄叶炎 vt. 0.使(船、艇等)沉没: The collision foundered the ship. 相撞使这条船沉没。 0.失败,受挫折,损害;破坏 0.使(马、骑马者)摔倒;使变跛 0.(喂养过饱)使(家畜)得病,使(家畜)动弹不得 0.【兽病理学】使(马)患蹄叶炎 0.【高尔夫球】击球进场 n. 0.(马的)蹄叶炎 0.(马等的)胸肌风湿

founder [ 'faundə ] n. 0.inflammation of the laminated tissue that attaches the hoof to the foot of a horse 同义词: laminitis 0.a person who founds or establishes some institution 同义词: beginner founding father father 0.a worker who makes metal castings v. 0.fail utterly; collapse "The project foundered" 同义词: fall through fall flat flop 0.sink below the surface 0.break down, literally or metaphorically 同义词: collapse fall in cave in give give way break 0.stumble and nearly fall "the horses foundered"

双语例句 原声例句 权威例句

1.The atmosphere is so exciting. We all know Yuminhong is the founder of New Oriental . 讲座的气氛很热烈。我们都知道俞敏洪是新东方的创始人。 2.Its head chef has given up on creativity and instead plans to churn out ready meals branded with the name of the restaurant 's revered founder , Auguste Gusteau . 影片中的著名法国餐厅有着一位没有创意的主厨,打着餐厅创始人古斯汀·古斯特之名,却只用现成的食物招待顾客。 3.But its military culture , and the fact that its founder , Ren Zhengfei , is a former army officer , have led to persistent rumours that it has close ties with the army . 但是华为的军事文化背景,以及华为创建人任正非本人就是前部队军官的事实,导致华为与军方关系密切的谣言一直不断。
