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disparagement [dis'pæridʒmənt] 基本释义 同近义词 n. 轻蔑;轻视 n. 轻蔑;轻视despite , floccinaucinihilipilification uncertainty 不确定 disparagement 轻蔑, 轻视 disparaging 蔑视的,轻视的 ... 轻视 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(D2)b ... disparage 蔑视 disparagement 轻视 disparager 毁谤者 ... 短语 mania for disparagement 贬低诽谤狂 disparagement by numbers 行人數 Term of disparagement 贬义 disparagement of goods 贬低物品质量 Terms of disparagement 贬义 body image disparagement 蔑视 self-disparagement 自贬 disparagement of property 贬损他人财产 disparagement of the movement's effectiveness 贬抑运动的影响力 更多收起网络短语disparagement [dis'pæridʒmənt] n. 0.贬低,贬抑,轻视 0.污蔑,诋毁,毁谤,责难 0.丧失名誉的事,有损尊严的事,丢脸的事

disparagement [ dis'pæridʒmənt ] n. 0.a communication that belittles somebody or something 同义词: depreciation derogation 0.the act of speaking contemptuously of 同义词: dispraise 双语例句 权威例句 1.Since the moment he announced that he would leave Real Madrid a campaign of disparagement on which Beckham can make very few to avoid has begun . 自从他宣布要离开皇家马德里,一场几乎是不可避免的战役就开始了,对手是世人轻视的目光。

2.Whatever might be said in disparagement of their work , it had to be admitted by their contemporaries that Irving and Cooper were eminent men of Letters. 欧文和库珀的作品即或受过奚落,同时代的人不得不承认他们是文人中的佼佼者。 3.We should cancel the concept of "disparagement " in advertising law and let objectionable disparagement falls under the category of false or misleading claims . 取消广告法中“贬低”的概念,将真正应予反对的“贬低”归入到虚假或误导的广告说明的范畴中。
