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ratify ['rætifai] 基本释义 同近义词 vt. 批准;认可 [过去式ratified 过去分词ratified 现在分词ratifying ] vt. 批准;认可confirm , allow , authorize 网络释义 柯林斯高级英汉双解词典 21世纪大英汉词典 英英释义 批准 ... hypocrisy 伪善 relic 遗物 ratify 批准 ... 核准 palm pre plus新闻之[日常生活、百货]日常词汇(p-s) 第一部份 ... rather 宁□ ratify 核准 ratio 比值 ... 通过 政制及选举事务 q--x ... quota of votes 选票基数 ratify 互换批准书〔确认程序〕;通过 reading 宣读议案 ... 互换批准书〔确认程序 政制及选举事务 q--x ... quota of votes 选票基数 ratify 互换批准书〔确认程序〕;通过 reading 宣读议案 ... 短语 ratify handling 批办 to ratify 批准 ratify: 批准 ratify the pact 批准这一条约 decline to ratify 拒绝追认 Check And Ratify 核定 Ratify a Convention 批准公约 do not ratify 不批准 ratify an accord 签署协议 更多收起网络短语rati·fy /rætɪfaɪ/ ( ratifies, ratifying, ratified ) CET6+ V-T When national leaders or organizations ratify a treaty or written agreement, they make it official by giving their formal approval to it, usually by signing it or voting for it. 批准 (条约或书面协议) 例: The parliaments of Australia and Indonesia have yet to ratify the treaty. 澳大利亚和印度尼西亚议会还未批准该条约。 ratify ['rætifai] vt. 批准;认可;签署生效: A resolution that conditions should be improved has been ratified. 改善环境的决议业已正式批准。 近义词: approve 变形: ratified , ratifying 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 ratify [ 'rætifai ] v. approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation 同义词: sign 1.The United States is the only major industrialized country that did not ratify the protocol , although it emits more greenhouse gases than any other country . 尽管美国排放的温室气体比其他国家的都多,但其到现在都没有批准议定书,也是唯一没批准的发达国家。

2.He acknowledged that America —which failed to ratify the Kyoto protocol, encouraging industrialised countries to cut emissions of greenhouse gases —has some catching up to do . 奥巴马承认美国—未批准旨在促使工业化国家减少温室气体的排放的东京议定书—有好多事情要做。 3.A stark new political reality in America is that it is virtually impossible to get the US Congress to ratify new free -trade agreements , even when they are overwhelmingly in the American interest . 目前美国一个全新的政治现实是,几乎不可能让国会通过新的自由贸易协议,即使这些协议非常符合美国的利益。
