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vacillate ['væsileit] 同近义词 vi. 犹豫;踌躇;摇摆 [过去式vacillated 过去分词vacillated 现在分词vacillating ] vi. 犹豫;踌躇;摇摆hesitate , daiker lumber:木材,木料,伐木,缓慢的移动,拖累 vacillate:游移不定的,踌躇, belligerent:好战的,交战的,交战国的 ...游移 vacillate(游移), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 动摇不定 vacillate(动摇不定), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 踌躇 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(153)__英语学习_... ... vaccinotherapy 接种疫苗疗法 vacillate 踌躇 vacillating 犹豫的 ... 短语 resolute vacillate 坚决的 vacillate wobble 游移 vacillate in 在 equipoise vacillate 使平衡 Not Vacillate 不贰其心 vacillate between 在 vacillate stand firm 摇晃 ; 摇摆 They Must Not Vacillate 绝对不能犹豫不决 Do not vacillate 不要左右摇摆 更多收起网络短语vacillate ['væsileit] vi. 0.犹豫,踌躇;摇摆不定: Oh, do stop vacillating and make up your mind! 啊,别再犹豫了,下决心吧! 0.动摇;波动;振荡;晃动: The earthquake caused the entire house to vacillate. 地震使整个房子摇晃起来。 近义词: hesitate 变形: vacillated , vacillating

vacillate [ 'væsileit ] v. 0.be undecided about something; waver between conflicting positions or courses of action 同义词: hover vibrate oscillate 0.move or sway in a rising and falling or wavelike pattern "the line on the monitor vacillated" 同义词: fluctuate waver 双语例句 权威例句 1.But a few cadres started to vacillate . 但是,也有少数人起了波动。 2.Some of them still have doubts , their stand is not yet firm and they vacillate in moments of stress. 其中有些人还有怀疑,还没有站稳脚跟,一遇风浪就会左右摇摆。 3.This position indicates that you vacillate somewhat about your sexual inhibitions , which can be both an asset and a drawback . 这意味着在两性表达的抑制和释放方面你可能会有些走极端,这同时是个优点也是个缺点。
