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bolt-on acquisitions

bolt-on acquisitions 补强型并购 GE计划一步一个脚印地进行收购交易,同时加入补强型并购(bolt-on acquisitions),即所谓的通过收购弥补自己企业在某些领域业务能力的不足,收购价格大约在10亿-30亿美元。 计划通过链接式收购 综合外电9月13日报道,澳大利亚明科资源公司(Mincor Resources)计划通过链接式收购(bolt-on acquisitions)或进一步勘探增加旗下镍矿资产。 补强收购 Witty称他将继续坚持“补强收购”(bolt-on acquisitions)的策略,在疫苗领域、消费者健康领域以及新兴市场实施扩张。 双语例句 权威例句 1.The company has also said it does not plan any big acquisitions this year or next , but will focus on a strategy of "bolt -on" buys . 该公司还曾表示今明两年没有大的收购计划,而是将专注于补强收购。 sl.iciba.com 2.While foreign banks are unlikely to be allowed to make big acquisitions , three -quarters of respondents told PwC they planned bolt -on purchases during the next three years . 尽管外资银行不太可能获准进行大规模收购,但仍有四分之三的受访银行向普华永道表示,未来三年有补强收购计划。 www.ftchinese.com 3.Danone , the world 's biggest yoghurt maker , plans to launch a rights issue to raise €3bn ($4.2bn ) to reduce its net debt and give it the flexibility to make bolt -on acquisitions . 世界最大乳酸饮料生产商达能(Danone)计划通过配股发行筹资30亿欧元(合42亿美元),以减少净负债,获得进行补强收购所需的灵活性。
