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appeasement [ə'pi:zmənt] 同近义词 n. 缓和,平息;姑息 n. 缓和,平息;姑息relaxation , alleviation appease 平息 appeasement 缓和 appeaser 劝解人 ... 绥靖 ...德国有理由对一战后的现状不满,有理由修改《凡尔赛和约》,因此主张对德国采取安抚、平息其不满的政策,这是绥靖(Appeasement)一词的由来和最初含义。随着绥靖政策推行的恶劣后果逐渐明显,人们才更加确定地用另外 姑息 3-2 其他用语 ... 背信弃义(breach of faith) 姑息(appeasement) 让步(concession) ... 政策 多極結構成形的初期,美國或許可以透過綏靖政策(Appeasement),滿足在東亞的領土需要,容許取得更多的政經地位。 短语 appeasement posture 安抚姿势 Appeasement Policy 绥靖政策 ; 绥靖主义 appeasement gesture 安抚姿势 appeasement display 妥协性展示 Rare appeasement 难得的安抚 appeasement ceremony 缓和礼节 ; 安抚姿势 appeasement movement 平息动作 appeasement behavior 妥协行为 Oppose Appeasement 反对姑息 网络短语ap·pease·ment /əpizmənt/ N-UNCOUNT Appeasement means giving people what they want to prevent them from harming you or being angry with you. 姑息 [FORMAL] [表不满] 例: He denied there is a policy of appeasement. 他否认有姑息政策。 appeasement [ə'pi:zmənt] n. 0.缓和,缓解;满足;平息,平静 0.抚慰,安抚;姑息,绥靖 0.姑息政策,绥靖主义

appeasement [ ə'pi:zmənt ] n. the act of appeasing (as by acceding to the demands of) 同义词: calming 1.There can be no appeasement with ruthlessness . 对残暴行为是不能姑息的。 2.In the appeasement of the glutton they have to practise much stimulation. 因为要满足这个暴食者,她们不得不做许多伪装。 3.The epitome of the policy of appeasement was the Munich agreement of 30 September 1938 . 这种绥靖政策的缩影是1938年9月30日的幕尼黑协定。
