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qualm [kwɔ:m, kwɑ:lm] 词组短语 同近义词 n. 疑虑;不安 have qualms about 对…感到内疚;对…有疑虑 n. 疑虑;不安tension , unrest 晕头转向 turn my head 晕眩 qualm 匝 coil ... 疑虑 推荐文章 ... quality 质量 qualm 疑虑 qualmish 不安的 ... 顾忌 qualm(顾忌), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 担心 2009年MBA联考阅读理解专项(八)参考答案 ... exclude 排除 qualm 疑虑,担心 objective 目的,目标 ... 短语 gaingiving misgive qualm 疑虑 Dunst, Qualm 臭味 qualm n. 紧张不安 qualm n. 疑惧 更多收起网络短语qualm /kwɑm/ ( qualms ) N-COUNT If you have no qualms about doing something, you are not worried that it may be wrong in some way. 疑虑 例: I have no qualms about recommending the same approach to other doctors. 我对把同一方法推荐给其他医生没有任何疑虑。 qualm [kwɔ:m; kwɑ:lm] n. 0.(一阵)眩晕(或恶心) 0.疑惧;不安;担忧 0.良心谴责,内疚 0.(感情等的)突发 近义词: scruple , compunction , misgiving 短语: 0.have qualms about 对…感到内疚;对…有疑虑0.qualms of conscience 良心上的责备0.qualms of illness 目眩头晕;恶心

qualm [ kwɔ:m, kwɑ:lm ] n. 0.uneasiness about the fitness of an action 同义词: scruple misgiving 0.a mild state of nausea 同义词: queasiness squeamishness

1.They never know that exam make us qualm and dissatisfaction . 他们永远也不会知道,考试令我们感到忐忑不安及不满。 2.The third ethical qualm involves the thorny issue of fairness . 第三个伦理上的担忧是棘手的不公平问题。 3.A routine qualm gave him trouble at the thought of what he'd written on the fly-leaf, but his mood enabled him to suppress it. 当他回想起写在扉页上的东西时,心中却感到一种惯常的焦虑不安,但由于情绪高昂那种不安之感又消失到了九霄云外。
