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skirt [skə:t] 词组短语 同近义词 n. 裙子 vt. 绕过,回避;位于…边缘 vi. 沿边走,绕开;环绕 piston skirt 活塞裙 mini skirt n. 迷你裙;超短裙 skirt length 裙长 n. 裙子petticoat vt. 绕过,回避;位于…边缘move round , shun vi. 沿边走,绕开;环绕steer clear of , circle round [化工] 裙座 轴承论坛环球国际贸易资源国际贸易资源共享 机械五金类常用英语词汇大全 ... 鞍座 saddle 裙座 skirt 软管卷盘(简) hose reel ... 裙装 会员 密码 所有分类, 特价精美礼品, 夏装上衣, 个性上衣, 雪纺衫, 小背心吊带, 衬衫, T恤卫衣, 酷夏裙装(Skirt), 秋装新品, 秋装上衣 [建] 踢脚板 香港建造业常用英文词汇四 ... skip hoist 吊斗吊重机 skirt 踢脚板 skirting 墙脚线 ... 短语 slender skirt [服装] 细腰身裙子 suspender skirt [服装] 背带裙 ; [服装] 吊带裙 tennis skirt 网球裙 jumper skirt 背心裙 ; 无袖连衣裙 ; 马甲裙 ; 连身裙 hula skirt 草裙 gored skirt 碎布拼裙 ; 拼接裙 ; 多褶裙 ; 拼片裙 skirt section 裙部 waist skirt 高腰裙 tailored skirt 西服裙 更多收起网络短语skirt /skɜrt/ ( skirts, skirting, skirted ) CET4 1. N-COUNT A skirt is a piece of clothing worn by women and girls. It fastens at the waist and hangs down around the legs. 裙子 2. V-T Something that skirts an area is situated around the edge of it. 位于…的边缘; 围绕 例: We raced across a large field that skirted the slope of a hill. 我们快速穿越山坡边的一大片旷野。 3. V-T/V-I If you skirt a problem or question, you avoid dealing with it. 回避 (问题等) 例: He skirted the hardest issues, concentrating on areas of possible agreement. 他避开最难的问题,而专注于可能达成一致意见的领域。 skirt [skə:t] n. 0.裙子;衬裙 0.(衣服的)下摆 0.裙状布罩,套罩,物体的裙状部分 0.(马鞍的)垂边 0.挡板;(气垫船的)围裙;(坦克履带的)裙板 0.[常用复数]边缘;外围 0.[英国英语](牛肉的)碎牛肚肉;多筋牛肉 0.[俚语]女人;女子,姑娘 vt. 0.位于…的边缘;绕过…的边缘: to skirt the town 绕着城而行 0.沿着…的边缘;和…接界: to skirt a lake 沿着湖的边缘 0.避开,回避: to skirt the issue of higher taxes 避而不谈高税收一事 0.[主澳大利亚英语]除去(羊毛)的边毛;去除(劣质毛) vi. 0.沿边缘走;绕着走: to skirt along the lake 沿着湖边走 0.位于边缘: to skirt on the river 位于河边 0.绕开;避开(round): She skirted round us and went into the room. 她绕过我们走进了房间。 to skirt round the danger 避开危险 skirt [ skə:t ] n. 0.cloth covering that forms the part of a garment below the waist 0.a garment hanging from the waist; worn mainly by girls and women 0.informal terms for a (young) woman 同义词: dame doll wench chick bird v. 0.avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) "she skirted the problem" 同义词: hedge fudge evade put off circumvent parry elude dodge duck sidestep 0.pass around or about; move along the border "The boat skirted the coast" 0.form the edge of 0.extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle 同义词: surround border

1.Wow , what a beautiful skirt ! 哇哦,好漂亮的裙子啊。 2.The skirt comes just below my knees . 这裙子刚好到我的膝盖下。3.She sits in the courtyard , dressed in a traditional Mayan multicoloured shirt and skirt . 她端坐在院子里,穿一身传统的玛雅五彩衬衣和裙子。
