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deplorably [di'plɔ:rəbli]

同近义词 adv. 悲惨地;可叹地 adv. 悲惨地;可叹地disastrously , abjectly deploitation 开拓 deplorable 可叹的 deplorably 可叹地 ... 短语 She Behaved Deplorably 她行为十分可悲 deplorably adv. deplorable的变形 deplorable [di'plɔ:rəbl] adj. 0.令人遗憾(或惋惜)的,可叹的,可惜的 0.悲惨的,可怜的,不幸的;肮脏的;糟糕的 0.应受责骂(或谴责)的

deplorably [ di'plɔ:rəbli ] adv. in an unfortunate or deplorable manner 同义词: lamentably sadly woefully 1.The hall was at present occupied by two deplorably sober men and their highly indignant wives . 穿堂里此刻有两个毫无醉意的男客和他们怒气冲天的太太。

2.This is slowing , among other things, the deplorably tardy spending of European Union money . 此外,这种行为本来就造成欧盟经费支出缓慢,令人愤慨,如今更慢了。 3.Deplorably , the government here has so far done little in the way of concrete action over these past few years to enhance the safety of bridges . 糟糕的是,过去几年以来,政府几乎没有采取具体行动改善桥梁安全;
