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unravel [,ʌn'rævəl] 基本释义 同近义词 vt. 解开;阐明;解决;拆散 vi. 解决;散开 [过去式unraveled或unravelled 过去分词unraveled或unravelled 现在分词unraveling或unravelling ] vt. 解开;阐明;解决;拆散decide , settle , illustrate vi. 解决;散开settle , work out , figure out unravel(绎), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 点破 unravel(点破), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 拆开 英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(U2)b ... unquote 结束引语 unravel 拆开 unread 无学问的 ... 解开 宜昌翻译 英语翻译 英语词汇 英语翻译吧 - 英语... ... unquiet 动荡;不平静 unravel 解开 unreacted 未反应的 ... 短语 unravel v 拆开 unravel vt 解决 ; 拆散 Avoid Unravel 避免前功尽弃 Unravel Mysteries 探赜索隐 unravel machine 解块机 unravel-discover 发现 unravel unravel v. 拆开 ravel/unravel 散开 To Unravel This Mystery 为解开此谜 更多收起网络短语un·rav·el /ʌnrævəl/ ( unravels, unraveling, unraveled ) 1. V-T/V-I If you unravel something that is knotted, woven, or knitted, or if it unravels, it becomes one straight piece again or separates into its different threads. 解开; 拆散 例: He could unravel a knot that others wouldn't even attempt. 他能解开其他人甚至不敢尝试的绳结。 2. V-T/V-I If you unravel a mystery or puzzle, or it unravels, it gradually becomes clearer until you can work out the answer to it. 揭开 例: A young mother has flown to Iceland to unravel the mystery of her husband's disappearance. 一个年轻母亲已飞到冰岛,去揭开她丈夫失踪之谜。 unravel [,ʌn'rævəl] vt. 0.拆散;解开(织物、绳子等): The child unraveled grandma's knitting. 这个孩子弄散了奶奶的编织物。 0.解释;阐明;解决: to unravel a difficult problem 解决一个难题 vi. 散开;解决变形: unraveled或unravelled , unraveling或unravelling

unravel [ ,ʌn'rævəl ] v. 0.become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of "unravel the thread" 同义词: unknot unscramble untangle unpick 0.disentangle "can you unravel the mystery?" 同义词: ravel ravel out 0.become undone "the sweater unraveled" 同义词: run 双语例句 原声例句 权威例句 1.There many billions of cells are interconnected in vastly complicated network that we can't unravel as yet . 这些上百亿,千亿的细胞相互联系,形成一个无比复杂的网络,这一奥秘我们迄今为止还未解开。 2.So vast are the mingled drives in any complex entity that it is impossible to unravel the actual causes of its survival . 在任一复杂实体中,其混合驱动程序如此众多,不可能明了其真正的生存之道。 3.We -- all organisms -- are a historical record of sorts , but our history is not easy to unravel or decipher without great intelligence . 我们——所有生物——勉强算得上一个历史记录,不过,如果没有大智慧,我们难以拆分或解密我们的历史。
