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backsliding ['bækslaidiŋ] 基本释义 同近义词 v. 倒退;滑坡;故态复萌(backslide的现在分词) v. 倒退;滑坡;故态复萌(backslide的现在分词)relapsing Popmundo ... Snowstorm 日本摇滚乐 Backsliding 德国摇滚 I killed my fuck Dentist! 摇滚 ... 短语 Never Backsliding 从不会倒退 backsliding into 复发 TF_BACKSLIDING 后退回避 Backsliding and apostasy 背信 stage of non-backsliding 不退位 the abiding of no-backsliding 不退住 更多收起网络短语backsliding vi. backslide的变形 backslide [,bæk'slaid] vi. (道德或宗教热情上)堕落;倒退,退步;变得不虔诚;故态复萌;退缩回去;重犯错误:You've done a good job in the exam, I hope you won't backslide. 你考试考得不错,我希望你不要退步。 Mr. Jack was once active in the church, but he has backslidden. 杰克先生一度在教会里很活跃,但他已变得不虔诚了。 n. (道德或宗教热情上的)堕落;倒退,退步;退缩;故态复萌;重犯错误变形: backslid , backslid或-slidden , backsliding backsliding [ 'bækslaidiŋ ] n. a failure to maintain a higher state 同义词: lapse lapsing relapse relapsing reversion reverting 双语例句 权威例句 1.This means that the system only improves , always notching forward , never backsliding . 这意味着系统只能够被改进,总是向前的,从不会倒退。 2.On one point , however , experts agree : when it comes to teenage births , the United States is backsliding . 但是,专家们至少在一点上取得了共识:那就是谈及青少年生育时,美国在倒退。 3.The harder it pushes for "fair trade " with poorer countries , either bilaterally or through the WTO , the worse is the danger of backsliding all round . 它越是卖力地与比较穷的国家推进“自由贸易”,不管是以双边还是通过世贸组织的方式,全面倒退的危险就越严重。
