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purge [pə:dʒ] 基本释义 词组短语 同近义词 vi. 净化;通便 vt. 净化;清洗;通便 n. 净化;泻药 [过去式purged 过去分词purged 现在分词purging ] purge gas 净化气体;吹扫用的气体 purge of 清洗,清除 air purge 空气吹扫;空气净化 gas purge 气体清洗;气体净化 vi. 净化;通便fine purification , purify vt. 净化;[机]清洗;通便cleanse , purify n. 净化;泻药purification , distillation Photoshop菜单中英文对照1 ... Define Custom Shape<定义自定形状> Purge<清除内存数据> Color Settings<颜色设置> ... 清除 注意,在此之前,R1可以生成自己的LSP,但是不能发送出去,收到邻居发来的自己产生的LSP也不能清除(Purge),也不能进行路由计算,原因在于基于没有完全同步的 LSDB的计算可能导致路由错误或者丢失。如果T2定时器超时,执行10。 清理 比如有些图块,图框,样式等也跟了进来,多少会使你的图纸不”干净”,这也许需要清理(PURGE)一下才完美. 吹扫 流体设备词汇:设备布置及管道布置(4) ... 蒸汽吹扫 steaming out 吹扫 purge 抽空;排空 evacuation ... 短语 air purge [机] 吹气清洗 ; 空气吹扫 ; 驱气 ; 空气纯化 purge system 清洗系统 ; 反冲洗系统 ; 吹扫系统 purge chamber 清洗室 purge instruction 清除指令 Record purge 记录清除 Bloody Purge 血之流放 ; 血腥流放 ; 血之放逐 ; 血腥净化 Purge Conditions 净化病症 ; 把净化病症 ; 状态净化 PU PURGE 肃清无用物件 ; 肃清无用对象 Canister Purge 碳罐净化 ; 滤筒净化 更多收起网络短语purge /pɜrdʒ/ ( purges, purging, purged ) CET6+ 1. V-T To purge an organization of its unacceptable members means to remove them from it. You can also talk about purging people from an organization. (从组织中) 清除 (异己成员) 例: The leadership voted to purge the party of "hostile and antiparty elements." 领导层投票来清除党内“有敌意的反党分子”。 例: He recently purged the armed forces, sending hundreds of officers into retirement. 他最近肃清了武装部队,打发数百名军官退了役。 N-COUNT Purge is also a noun. 清除 例: The army have called for a more thorough purge of people associated with the late president. 军队已要求对已故总统的关联人物来一次更彻底地清除。 2. V-T If you purge something of undesirable things, you get rid of them. 清除 (不合意的事物) 例: He closed his eyes and lay still, trying to purge his mind of anxiety. 他闭上眼睛躺着不动,试图清除心里的焦虑。 purge [pə:dʒ] vt. 0.使洁净;使净化;洗涤;以认错作为补偿: The judge ordered him to purge his contempt by apologizing to the court. 法官命令他做出道歉以赎蔑视法庭之罪。 0.洗罪,赎罪,涤罪: Catholics go to confession to be purged of sin. 天主教徒通过告解以获得赦罪。 0.清除;清出 (与away,off 或 out连用): They promised that racists should be purged from the party. 他们保证把种族主义分子从党内清洗出去。 0.整肃,排除异己: to purge dissidents from the party 整肃党内持不同政见者 0.给(锅炉等)清除沉积物;放掉暖气中的空气: purging water by distillation 用蒸馏法清除水中的杂物 0.用药物使(肠)通便;使(人)通便: He purged himself with calomel. 他使用氯化亚汞通大便。 vi. 0.净化,清除,清洗 0.通便 0.洗罪 ;赎罪 n. 0.净化;清除;清洗 0.通便 0.通便物;(尤指)泻药 0.整肃,清除 变形: purged , purging

purge [ pə:dʒ ] n. 0.the act of clearing yourself (or another) from some stigma or charge 同义词: purging purgation 0.an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elements 同义词: purging v. 0.oust politically "Deng Xiao Ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime" 0.clear of a charge 0.make pure or free from sin or guilt 同义词: purify sanctify 0.rid of impurities "purge the water"; " purge your mind" 0.rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid "purge the old gas tank" 同义词: flush scour 0.eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth "He purged continuously" 同义词: vomit vomit up cast sick cat be sick disgorge regorge retch puke barf spew spue chuck upchuck honk regurgitate throw up 0.excrete or evacuate (someone's bowels or body) "The doctor decided that the patient must be purged"

双语例句 原声例句 权威例句

1.Governments should purge banks that are big enough to hold the system to ransom . 各国政府应该清洗那些规模大到绑票了整个金融体系的银行。 2.I suggest Maggie and George immediately use "Rule Your Stuff " purge all the unwanted things they have in their home . 我建议麦琪和乔治马上使用“管理你的材料”,把房子里所有不想要的东西都处理掉。 3.Last year Mexico's migration authority had a purge of corrupt officers , and now runs a humanitarian wing which offers help to migrants , whether legal or not. 去年墨西哥移民当局清除了一些腐败官员,现在该局成立了人道主义机构为移民者提供帮助,无论移民者是合法还是非法。
