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hobble ['hɔbl] 基本释义 同近义词 vi. 蹒跚;跛行 vt. 使跛行 n. 跛行步态 [过去式hobbled 过去分词hobbled 现在分词hobbling ] vi. 蹒跚;跛行titubate , totter 网络释义 21世纪大英汉词典 英英释义 一瘸一拐 hobble(一瘸一拐), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 跛行 Chinese - English Free Di... ... 跛行 = gimping 跛行 = hobble 跛行 = hobbles ... 蹒跚 寄托家园 »GRE考试综合论坛 »GRE、四六级、高中词汇所有“声韵声2le”模式单词 ... hassle 争论 hobble 蹒跚 huddle 聚一团 ... 陂行 『推荐』 | 英语口语 ... Pace踱步 Hobble陂行 Shuffle拖沓 ... 短语 hobble limp 跛行 Hobble Skirt 窄底裙 ; 狭下摆裙 ; 霍步裙 ; 蹒跚裙 hobble of spirits 神勇宠物 Hobble of Spirits Eff 灵之束缚效果 restraint,breeding hobble 配种用足枷保定 Get Into A Hobble 陷入窘境 ; 陷于困境 hitch/hobble 蹒跚 be in a nice hobble 进通两难 A hobble or limp. 跛行或蹒跚

网络短语hobble ['hɔbl] vi. 0.一瘸一拐地走路,跛行;蹒跚: It's a pity for me to see an old woman hobble away. 看着老太太蹒跚而去我心中很不是滋味。 0.摇晃不稳(或颠簸)地行进;不顺利地进行: Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster. 我们乘坐的飞机颠簸着穿过了那块云团。 They finally divorced after 3 years' hobbling. 过了三年打打闹闹的生活后,他们最终还是离婚了。 0.结结巴巴地说话: He hobbled only to girls. 只有在和女孩子说话时他才会结结巴巴。 vt. 0.使跛行: We were hobbled through the rugged depression. 我们深一脚浅一脚地穿过了那块高低不平的洼地。 0.把(牲口等)的腿捆绊住,捆绊(马腿等): to hobble horses 捆绊住马腿 0.阻碍,妨碍;束缚: What hobbles you to continue your experiment? 是什么阻碍了你继续搞试验呢? Don't always say you're hobbled by the board. 你不要老说是受到委员会的制约。 n. 0.跛行,跛行步态 0.0.【体育】(用以套住几匹定步速的马的)束套 0.捆绊牲口的绳索(或重物等) 0.束缚物;束缚(或阻碍)的因素 0.[古语]困境,窘境 变形: hobbled , hobbling 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 hobble [ 'hɔbl ] n. 0.a shackle for the ankles or feet 同义词: fetter 0.the uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg 同义词: hitch limp v. 0.walk impeded by some physical limitation or injury "The old woman hobbles down to the store every day" 同义词: limp gimp hitch 0.hamper the action or progress of "The chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean" 0.strap the foreleg and hind leg together on each side (of a horse) in order to keep the legs on the same side moving in unison "hobble race horses" 同义词: hopple 双语例句 权威例句 1.The Boy hurt his foot , so he had to hoBBle dong . 那男孩的脚受了伤,他只好一瘸一拐地走。 2.Nor can it go for the bottom —if it second-guessed every dodgy contract, it hobble it s own ability to make loans . 它也不可能打击底层——如果它事后批评每一份不诚信的合同,这将妨碍其自身的借贷能力。 3.Reduced to a minority , Congress is now looking for other allies to help hobble through to the polls later this year . 变成少数派的国会现在正在寻找其他盟友以帮助自己度过今年即将到来的民意调查。
