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Dead Cat Bounce

英文名称:Dead Cat Bounce 中文名称:死猫式反弹/超跌反弹技术分析用语。指价格持续暴跌后快速小幅反弹,这种情况下通常缺乏基本面因素支持,主因是技术面超跌。一般情况下,出现超跌反弹之后,市场很可能又将再度恢复跌势。此词据称是源自这种说法:只要跌下来的位置足够高,就算是死猫也会弹起来一些。e.g. Share prices on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges saw strong Dead-Cat bounce-back of over 5 percent Wednesday as widely expected by market analysts and traders, following ten straight days of slump that brought down the benchmark Shanghai composite index by 19.2 percent and the Shenzhen composite index by 22.9 percent.
