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Normal Retirement Age - NRA

The age at which people can receive full benefits upon leaving the work force. In the United States, for example, the normal retirement age for receiving full social security benefits is 67 years of age for persons born in 1960 or later. Birth years prior to 1960 have various normal retirement age requirements. Retirement prior to the normal retirement age reduces benefits, and retirement after the NRA increases benefits. Normal retirement age also applies to pension plans such as employer sponsored plans. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) identifies normal retirement age for minimum vesting purposes as the earlier of the normal retirement age as specified under the plan, or the later of age 65 or the fifth anniversary of the beginning of plan participation. Normal retirement age throughout the world typically falls between 60 and 67 years old. Public servants, police officers and military members, for example, typically receive full benefits after a certain number of service years, rather than a specific age.
