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PHP (Philippine Peso)

The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the Philippine peso (PHP), the currency of the Philippines. The Philippine peso is made up of 100 centavo or sentimo and is often represented with a symbol that looks like the capital Latin letter "P" with two horizontal slashes through the circular top half, a "P" with one horizontal slash, or just P. 

|||The peso was originally created in 1852 as a replacement for the Spanish dollar. Through revolution, colonialism, and war, the peso survived. However, it did suffer many devaluations and demonetizations. The Central Bank of the Philippines was created in January of 1949, and the colonial pesos which were being hoarded rather than surrendered were demonetized in 1964. From 1964 on, the exchange rate has been allowed to float. It has undergone many more devaluations since being allowed to float. 
