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NZD (New Zealand Dollar)

The currency abbreviation or currency symbol for the New Zealand dollar (NZD), the currency of New Zealand. The New Zealand dollar is made up of 100 cents and is often represented by the symbol $ or NZ$ to set it apart from other currencies based in dollars. The currency is also used in the Cook Islands, Niue, Tokelau, and the Pitcairn Islands.Also known as the Kiwi. 

|||When New Zealand's currency was decimalized in 1967, the New Zealand dollar replaced the New Zealand pound at a rate if 2 dollars to 1 pound. Initially pegged to the United States dollar (USD), the New Zealand dollar went through a series of changes in the fixed exchange rate until March of 1985, when the currency was allowed to float freely.The currency is often known as a kiwi because of the national bird found stamped on the one dollar coin. 
