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什么是PPS广告   PPS广告是根据网络广告所产生的直接销售数量而付费的一种定价模式。根据你的网站的访问者到广告主所产生的直接销售额而得到一定百分比的提成模式。与CPS广告类似。   广告商对每一位介绍到该网站的进行消费的网站,按产品或服务销售收入的百分比支付的费用结构。 Pay Per Sale or PPS (Sometimes referred to as Cost per Sale or CPS) is an online advertisement pricing system where the publisher or website owner is paid on the basis of the number of sales that are directly generated by an advertisement. It is a variant of the CPA (Cost Per Action) model where the advertiser pays the publisher/website only and in proportion to the number of actions committed by the readers or visitors to the website. In many cases it‘s not practical to track all the sales generated by an advertisement, however it is more easily tracked for full online transactions, such as for selling songs directly on the internet. Cookies, or minute user-tracking programs downloaded and run in the browser, are used to track the movement of the prospective buyer to ensure that all such sales are attributed to the advertisement in question. CPS belongs to the larger family of CPA, which is different from Cost Per Impression where advertisers have to pay every time their advertisement is displayed, irrespective of whether the display created any action on the part of reader or visitor to the website or not. PPS广告的优势   1.当有产生大额销售时,你所得到的提成非常可观.   2.当你的访问者一次性购买不同的产品时,你所得到的提成非常可观。电子商务   3.当你的访问者再次购买产品时,有些广告主依然会支付你提成。 PPS广告的劣势   1.你的访问者可能只购买数额小的产品   2.你的访问者可能对购买的产品不满意采取退货行为时,你所得的提成也相对的会扣掉
