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err [ə:] 词组短语 同近义词 vi. 犯错;做错;犯罪;走上歧途 to err is human 人非圣贤孰能无过 err in 弄错,犯错误 vi. 犯错;做错;犯罪;走上歧途sin , slip 红色指示灯为 错误( ERR)指示灯 ;绿色指示灯为 状态( STATE)指示 灯 。正确连接电源和各通讯接口后 , STATE 灯闪 故障自检代码 总线识别 ... EQUALIZER 均衡器 ER;ERR;ERRORS 故障;错误;故障自检代码 ERC 误差计数;故障计数 ... 故障 总线识别 ... EQUALIZER 均衡器 ER;ERR;ERRORS 故障;错误;故障自检代码 ERC 误差计数;故障计数 ... 犯错误 扑克游戏架构及其实现(三)>> 飞龙网资料站 - ... ... 时髦(fashion) 犯错误(err) 警句(epigram) ... 短语 err from 背离 sys Err 系统错误 ; 置故障 COD ERR 编码误码 ; 码误码 FAS ERR 帧误码 basic err 基准误差 Err Chen 陈雪娥 LJMP ERR 指令和长转移指令 ERR Erroneous 错误的 error ERR 差错 更多收起网络短语err /ɜr, ɛr/ ( errs, erring, erred ) CET6+ 1. V-I If you err, you make a mistake. 犯错 [FORMAL] 例: It criticizes the main contractor for seriously erring in its estimates. 它批评主承包商在估算中严重出错。 2. PHRASE If you err on the side of caution, for example, you decide to act in a cautious way, rather than take risks. 宁可失之过于… 例: They may be wise to err on the side of caution. 他们宁可失之过于谨慎也不冒风险也许是明智的。 err [ə:] vi. 0.犯错误,弄错,搞错;(陈述、仪器等)出差错,发生偏差;在思想(或信仰)方面走入歧途: We erred on the side of mercy. 我们错在过于仁慈。 0.越轨;做坏事,作恶,犯罪;在道德方面走入歧途 0.[废语]走上歧途,偏离正道(或目标);迷路;徘徊 0.[罕用语]打不中,打偏差;未达目的,失败 短语: 0.To err is human; to forgive,divine. [谚语]犯错人皆难免;宽恕则属超凡。0.(to) err on the right (或 safe) side 错也保险;故作不合算的行动,为保险起见,故意过量;宁可准备过多;有备无患0.(to) err on the side of 错在…方面,失之…,偏于以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》 err [ ə: ] v. 0.to make a mistake or be incorrect 同义词: mistake slip 0.wander from a direct course or at random 同义词: stray drift 1.How did the apparatus of risk managers and board committees allow them to err so badly? 风险管理者组织和董事会怎么会让他们错的如此离谱? 2.Thus , to err on the side of caution when deriving our measure, we should consider only alternative codes that share this feature . 因此,为求谨慎起见,我们在推演可能的密码版本时,应当沿用这项特徵。 3.They may hesitate in the face of political pressure or an explicit decision err on the side of inflation rather than deflation . In that case , inflation will rise . 他们可能在面对政治压力或是一个需要做出宁要通胀不要通缩的决定时迟疑不定,这种情况下,通胀将会上升!
