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soundbite ['saund,bait] 基本释义 同近义词 n. 一小段话;摘录 n. 一小段话;摘录extract , cento 网络释义 常指在电台或电视台播放的某一 英语词典查询:sound ... sound wave 声波,音波 详细 soundbite (常指在电台或电视台播放的某一... 详细 soundboard 共鸣板;响板;乐器内扩大音响之... 详细 ... 双语例句 权威例句

1.That , however, is not easily encapsulated in a two -word soundbite . 这个问题可不是用两个词的短语就能轻易概括的。 2.Other parties may come to copy their ideas for a new strategy in Afghanistan but the call for "tea with the Taliban " was a soundbite too far. 其他党派可能会复刻他们对阿富汗新战略的想法,但“与塔利班喝茶”的提法还是太超前了。 3.This makes for a soundbite , but it does not tell us much about how he would approach the most important decisions that a president will make. 这就构成了很好听的一段话。但它并没有告诉我们,作为一个总统他应该怎样来处理这个最重要决策。
