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usurp [ju:'zə:p] 基本释义 同近义词 vt. 篡夺;夺取;侵占 vi. 篡夺;篡权 vt. 篡夺;夺取;侵占seize , snatch up 网络释义 英英释义 霸占 记住 - 博客 - 就是这样 - 留留学 ... unctuous 油滑的, 假殷勤的, 谄媚的 usurp 篡夺; 霸占 vacuous 空虚的, 内容贫乏的, 无意义的 ... 盗 usurp(盗), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 霸 usurp(霸), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 窃据 usurp(窃据), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 短语 usurp throne 篡位 Usurp Power 篡权 Usurp Powers 擅用职权 Usurp Authority 专擅 to usurp 篡夺 usurp thrfirst 篡位 nto usurp 篡夺 usurp on 侵占 abdicate usurp 放弃 网络短语usurp [ju:'zə:p] vt. 篡夺,强夺;侵占;盗用:Little by little he usurped his boss's authority. 他逐渐地篡夺老板的权力。 vi. 0.篡夺;篡位;篡权;侵占 0.侵害,侵犯 usurp [ ju:'zə:p ] v. 0.seize and take control without authority and possibly with force; take as one's right or possession "he usurped my rights" 同义词: assume seize take over arrogate 0.take the place of "gloom had usurped mirth at the party after the news of the terrorist act broke" 双语例句 权威例句 1.Slowly but surely , hedge funds are becoming like the old-fashioned asset managers they once aimed to usurp . 缓慢的但是是真实的,对冲基金正变的越来越象被它抢了生意的老式资产管理公司了。 2.We should check up thoroughly on matters and people involved in the Gang of Four's plot to usurp Party and state power. 对于同“四人帮”篡党夺权阴谋活动有牵连的人和事,一定要彻底查清。 3.The two men also seem to have a cordial relationship , and so far , the numerous predictions that one would seek to usurp the other seem to have been off the mark. 两个人之间似乎还有一种友好关系。迄今为止,关于一个人将努力压倒另一个人的无数猜测似乎一直不着边际。
